La Iglesia Ortodoxa rusa respalda los bombardeos en Siria contra el EI y dice que es una "guerra sagrada"
Publicado 01/10/2015 3:16:48CET
La Iglesia Ortodoxa rusa respalda los bombardeos en Siria contra el EI y dice que es una "guerra sagrada"
La Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa ha respaldado este miércoles la decisión de Rusia de lanzar bombardeos contra el grupo yihadista Estado Islámico en Siria, afirmando que la lucha contra el terrorismo es una "guerra sagrada". "La lucha contra el terrorismo es una lucha sagrada, y hoy nuestro país se ha convertido quizá en la fuerza más activa en el mundo que lo combate", ha dicho el portavoz de la Iglesia, Vsevolod Chaplin, según ha informado la agencia rusa de noticias Interfax.
La Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa aprueba los bombardeos de Putin contra el Ejército Islámico
"La lucha contra el terrorismo es una lucha sagrada"
Rusia comenzó el miércoles a atacar posiciones del EI en Siria
Redacción, 01 de octubre de 2015 a las 14:07
La Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa ha respaldado este miércoles la decisión de Rusia de lanzar bombardeos contra el grupo yihadista Estado Islámico en Siria, afirmando que la lucha contra el terrorismo es una "guerra sagrada".
"La lucha contra el terrorismo es una lucha sagrada, y hoy nuestro país se ha convertido quizá en la fuerza más activa en el mundo que lo combate", ha dicho el portavoz de la Iglesia, Vsevolod Chaplin, según ha informado la agencia rusa de noticias Interfax.
Rusia ha lanzado este miércoles varios bombardeos contra el Estado Islámico en Siria, sin embargo, la oposición al presidente Bashar al Assad ha sostenido que en las zonas atacadas no hay presencia de la organización terrorista y ha denunciado la muerte de una treintena de civiles.
Estados Unidos ha expresado ya su preocupación, subrayando además que Rusia no ha informado de sus acciones a la coalición internacional que desde hace un año bombardea a los milicianos en Siria e Irak.
"Estados Unidos ha expresado ya su preocupación, subrayando además que Rusia no ha informado de sus acciones a la coalición internacional que desde hace un año bombardea a los milicianos en Siria e Irak"
Russian church: The fight in Syria is a ‘holy war’
Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill leads a religious procession marking the 700th anniversary of declaring Moscow the capital of Orthodox Russia.
(File: AP)
By AFP | Moscow
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
Russia’s powerful Orthodox Church on Wednesday voiced support for Moscow’s decision to carry out air strikes in Syria against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group, calling it a “holy battle.”
“The fight with terrorism is a holy battle and today our country is perhaps the most active force in the world fighting it,” said the head of the Church’s public affairs department, Vsevolod Chaplin, quoted by Interfax news agency.
Russia on Wednesday launched its first air strikes in Syria after President Vladimir Putin won parliamentary approval to use force abroad.
“The only correct way to fight international terrorism.... is to act preemptively, to battle and destroy fighters and terrorists on the territories they have already seized, not to wait for them to come to us,” Putin said in televised comments.
In an official statement, the Church’s Patriarch Kirill said “Russia took a responsible decision to use military forces to protect the Syrian people from the woes brought on by the tyranny of terrorists.”
The Patriarch, who often weighs in on political matters in support of the Kremlin, said armed intervention was necessary since “the political process has not led to any noticeable improvement in the lives of innocent people, and they need military protection.”
He cited the suffering of Christians in the region, the kidnapping of clerics and the destruction of churches, adding that Muslims “are suffering no less.”
Church spokesman Chaplin said that the decision on military action “corresponds with international law, the mentality of our people and the special role that our country has always played in the Middle East.”
A senior Muslim cleric also backed the military intervention, saying Syrians are “practically our neighbors.”
“We fully back the use of a contingent of Russian armed forces in the battle against international terrorism,” said Talgat Tadzhuddin, head of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia, in comments to RIA Novosti state news agency.
A council representing Russia’s main religions -- Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism -- will release a joint statement on Russia’s role in Syria that will “support the decision that was taken by our government,” said Orthodox spokesman Chaplin.
Russia’s Orthodox Church, after years of repression under the Soviets, has regained much of its influence and built up close ties with the government despite a formal separation of Church and state. President Vladimir Putin is regularly depicted attending services.
The Church has sought to increase its influence in the armed forces and achieved its goal of reintroducing religious chaplains banned by the Soviets.
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